Carnation Celebration Large. A beautiful blend of soft pink and speckled white Carnations, perfectly complemented by lush Eucalyptus foliage. With a total of 19 long-lasting Carnations, including both standard and spray varieties, this large bouquet is the perfect gift for celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or even just because. We send our Carnations in bud to ensure maximum vase life and guarantee our Carnations will last for at least two weeks..
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Carnation Celebration Large. A beautiful blend of soft pink and speckled white Carnations, perfectly complemented by lush Eucalyptus foliage. With a total of 19 long-lasting Carnations, including both standard and spray varieties, this large bouquet is the perfect gift for celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or even just because. We send our Carnations in bud to ensure maximum vase life and guarantee our Carnations will last for at least two weeks.
Scroll down to view Discount Voucher Codes for Bunches.co.uk and other Florists.
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