Carnation Celebration Letterbox. A blend of elegance and charm, this bouquet features a mix of soft pink and speckled white Carnations, delicately accented with lush Eucalyptus stems. Our letterbox flower gifts are delivered in specially designed letterbox-friendly packaging and protected by fully compostable brown paper wrap, ensuring a wonderful and creative gift for the recipient..
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Carnation Celebration Letterbox. A blend of elegance and charm, this bouquet features a mix of soft pink and speckled white Carnations, delicately accented with lush Eucalyptus stems. Our letterbox flower gifts are delivered in specially designed letterbox-friendly packaging and protected by fully compostable brown paper wrap, ensuring a wonderful and creative gift for the recipient.
Scroll down to view Discount Voucher Codes for Bunches.co.uk and other Florists.
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