
Roses and Lilies Collection


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Roses and Lilies Collection. This Roses and Lilies Bouquet is a work of art, expertly crafted by our talented florists. This stunning bouquet features the vibrant Stargazer Lilies, symbolizing prosperity and success, paired with the classic and timeless Memory Roses. The finishing touch of Pistacia adds a touch of lush greenery, making this bouquet both beautiful and bountiful. To complete the gift, this bouquet comes with a box of luxurious Eyup Chocolates, adding a sweet touch to this already perfect present. The Roses and Lilies Bouquet is the perfect way to express your love and admiration, making it a powerful and unforgettable gift. Included with this beautiful bouquet is a box of our luxury Praline chocolates and a personalised greeting card to help make this Easter extra special!.

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Roses and Lilies Collection.  This Roses and Lilies Bouquet is a work of art, expertly crafted by our talented florists. This stunning bouquet features the vibrant Stargazer Lilies, symbolizing prosperity and success, paired with the classic and timeless Memory Roses. The finishing touch of Pistacia adds a touch of lush greenery, making this bouquet both beautiful and bountiful. To complete the gift, this bouquet comes with a box of luxurious Eyup Chocolates, adding a sweet touch to this already perfect present. The Roses and Lilies Bouquet is the perfect way to express your love and admiration, making it a powerful and unforgettable gift. Included with this beautiful bouquet is a box of our luxury Praline chocolates and a personalised greeting card to help make this Easter extra special!


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