The September Bouquet with Vase


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The September Bouquet with Vase. Introducing our exquisite September bouquet – a heartfelt homage to the Aster, the cherished birth flower of September. Like the Aster, renowned for its regal aura and timeless elegance, this bouquet captures an enchanting beauty that delicately intertwines with each bloom! The majestic Aster takes centre stage, gracefully echoing throughout the arrangement alongside deep purple roses, pink germini, and blue eustoma. Enhanced by the subtle fragrance and graceful presence of delicate eucalyptus leaves, the bouquet becomes a sensory delight. Completing the ensemble is a lilac ribbon that lovingly embraces the arrangement, accentuating the magnificence of the September blooms. Celebrate September’s floral gem with this limited-edition bouquet. This extraordinary bouquet comes with a delightful vase, making it the perfect gift for your recipient as they can immediately display and enjoy their bouquet. Making it the perfect gift for any occasion!.


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The September Bouquet with Vase.  Introducing our exquisite September bouquet – a heartfelt homage to the Aster, the cherished birth flower of September. Like the Aster, renowned for its regal aura and timeless elegance, this bouquet captures an enchanting beauty that delicately intertwines with each bloom! The majestic Aster takes centre stage, gracefully echoing throughout the arrangement alongside deep purple roses, pink germini, and blue eustoma. Enhanced by the subtle fragrance and graceful presence of delicate eucalyptus leaves, the bouquet becomes a sensory delight. Completing the ensemble is a lilac ribbon that lovingly embraces the arrangement, accentuating the magnificence of the September blooms. Celebrate September’s floral gem with this limited-edition bouquet. This extraordinary bouquet comes with a delightful vase, making it the perfect gift for your recipient as they can immediately display and enjoy their bouquet. Making it the perfect gift for any occasion!


Scroll down to view Discount Voucher Codes for Prestige Flowers and other Florists.

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